17 December 2021

As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to highlight a couple of key market trends in shipping and maritime, that without a doubt will impact your early 2022 hiring plans.

Time to hire is taking longer

As we turn the long slow corner coming out of COVID, we are seeing the time from registering a vacancy to filling it has become extended.

Candidates in the maritime sector remain mostly passive – they are not applying for jobs, not uploading their CVs to job boards and they expect to be persuaded gently to the idea of a new opportunity. Candidates are doing more homework on potential employers, and this is extending the time from an initial conversation to submitting a CV of a motivated candidate.

Thankfully, my team are effective at the proactive approach required in this new market, but it takes some hard yards, and it takes time.

Unprecedented demand for people

The second trend is simply the unprecedented demand for people. As you might expect from the CEO of a recruitment business, I pay careful attention to our new vacancy numbers and they are going through the roof. I forecast that January will see us break through previous records for month-on-month new vacancy numbers and that this demand for talent will be across all of our maritime business areas.

With demand and competition for talent in the maritime sector at an all-time high and recruitment taking longer, I encourage you to get ahead of the curve and start talking to us about your 2022 hiring needs early. If you can give us an insight now into the sort of skills sets and people you are interested in hearing about in 2022, we can start to proactively identify the best people to meet your needs before the New Year rush to hire.

Contact the team here

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